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West Michigan Ski Club

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Park and Ride on Weekend - Schuss Mountain

  • 01/12/2025
  • 7:00 AM
  • Schuss Mountain


  • I'll be there! I understand all expenses are on my own.

Registration is closed

Park and Ride Carpool Day Trip

Schuss Mountain -- Sunday 1/12/25

All members and guests are invited on Park and Ride Day Trip adventures!

If interested in going, call Park & Ride trip leader Tracey Oldenburg 616-821-4774 C or email her:

Please register on the WMSC website for each event.  This allows Tracey to contact everyone if any changes happen.  Please include email and phone number on your registration.

Trip Itinerary:

  1. Meet at the designated carpool lot and arrange rides. Check flyer for location and time!  -- Post Road Carpool lot at 7:00 AM
  2. Ski with friends (ticket on your own). We will try to offer discounts if possible. 
  3. Lunch with friends at Ivans, 12:30PM.
  4. More skiing fun in the afternoon. Ski with old and new friends.
  5. Après’ skiing at 4:30 in the Ski Area Lounge or Bar.  The  Cedar River Bistro up by Purple Lift.
  6. Possible stop for dinner on the way home for those who don’t have to get right home.
  7. Drive home and share gas prices with your carpool friends.
    Sign up for the email list for quick park and ride trip reminders!

    Let us know that you are planning on going by the day before the trip!

    Meet at 131 Expressway and Post Road Carpool Lot unless specified in the flyer.

    Downhill and x country skiing is available.

    Trip Flyer: Park and Ride Trips Flyer -- 2024-25. PDF.pdf

    Greater Grand Rapids Ski Club, P.O. Box 2084, Grand Rapids MI 49503-2084

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